How to Plan your own Funeral

Although most funerals are traditionally organised after the death of a loved one by friends and family, a growing number of people are choosing to arrange their own funeral. This may sound quite morbid, but it is actually a good way to ensure that you have the sort of funeral that you want, and it takes the pressure away from grieving relatives.

People who have a terminal illness often choose to do this to relieve pressure from their loved ones – if it is something that you would like to do, here are a few things to remember when arranging your own funeral

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Find a Funeral Director

Your first port of call should be finding a funeral director. A company such as Essex funeral directors will be able to talk to you about your requirements, and you can pre pay for it beforehand as well to take the stress out of dealing with it after you are gone.

Planning the Sort of Funeral that you Want

This is your opportunity to place your mark of individuality on your funeral. From brightly coloured coffins to choosing your own favourite music, these are all things that you can arrange at this point.

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Choosing Burial or Cremation

This is a personal choice and you may have strong opinions on either of these options. You will need to decide which one you would like to choose, and either purchase a burial plot or make arrangements with the crematorium that you wish to be cremated at.

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