What to Start Sowing in the Garden in March

Spring is on the way and signs that the warmer months are coming back are starting to appear now – snowdrops and daffodils are the first to be seen, and are braving the chilly air to bloom first, and birds have started to gather up materials for nests, ready for the incoming spring.

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When it comes to our gardens now is the perfect time to start planning for the spring and summer to make sure that our gardens are looking the best that can be come the summertime. It is time to start getting prepared and looking for ways to brighten up our garden like these plants for trade Kent based company https://www.palmstead.co.uk/

If you are new to gardening, these are some of the plants to look for to plant in your garden at this time of the year…

Easy to sow directly outdoors and great for bees and butterflies, are wildflower mixes. They are not only loved by the local wildlife, but they will also provide a beautiful colourful display come the summer months.

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If you love traditional roses to bloom in your garden, these can also go straight into the soil where they will stay now.


If you like the idea of growing your own vegetables, carrots and beetroots can now go directly into the ground outdoors at this time of the year, as well as some types of cabbage that will be ready to be harvested in autumn if they are planted now.

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