All Things Copper

Did you know that the very first metal ever to be manipulated by humans was copper? Humans have been using copper to make things for at least 8000 years! Today we use copper for heating and plumbing purposes. The reason we use copper is because it is tough and also resistant to external corrosion. This means it can be used in underground applications. Thanks to its resilience, it can last for many decades and is also highly recyclable. Image credit As if this wasn’t enough – copper has other benefits…

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How to decorate your garage

Not all homes are built with garages today but for those people who are fortunate to have one, or maybe even two, there are several ways you can use this space, other than for storing your car in. If you are looking to use your garage as an additional room, perhaps a workshop or home office, or a place where you can get fit, you will probably want to decorate the space first. Image credit Garages are built as single skin buildings, which means they do not have any insulation…

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What to consider when buying furniture

Buying any furniture can be an incredibly exciting time. Getting to look around all the stores and online to find the perfect options for you. furniture can be found in a variety of materials and colours so you can be sure to find something that will fit your home decor. There are a number of things to take into consideration when you start shopping for furniture. Image credit Type – deciding on what type of furniture to buy would depend very much on your budget and the room that you…

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What are the Disadvantages of Owning a Smartphone?

In today’s technological world, everyone owns a smartphone. In addition, there are thousands of apps that can make your smartphone more fun or more useful. However, many people have realised the disadvantages of having a smartphone – the disadvantages that may cost you more in the future if you do not take good care of it for starters. If you want to prolong its life and avoid common accidents that may break it or get it damaged, then there are several things that you should do including getting a case…

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What is Salsa Dancing

Salsa dancing is a romantic, sensual dance that originated in the Puerto Rican islands of Cuba. It has now become popular all over the world. Salsa was originally called Savatea, which is translated as ‘Saviour dance’. Image credit The original version of Salsa was mariachi, which means ‘fire dance’. It has since become known as a part of the Salsa dance repertoire because of the romantic background and feelings attached to it. Salsa dancing is basically a combination of ballet and Flamenco style dances from Spain and Argentina. The new…

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How osteoporosis affects your joints

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes your bones to become weak and brittle. This becomes so severe that simple actions such as coughing or sneezing can cause your bones to fracture in weak points. These types of fractures tend to occur in joint areas such as hips, wrists and throughout the spine. Image credit Essentially you can think of osteoporosis as bones not being regenerated and created quick enough to stop their deterioration. It can occur in people of both genders although there is some evidence that women who have…

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The use of Nickel in the industry and our lives.

One of the most hard, but necessary, metal materials we need is Nickel. Nickel is a wonderful material but it is difficult to find and to mine. It is also found in some of the most remote places of the world, also making it difficult to mine. The largest deposits are located in Canada’s least accessible places (of which there are many) and so the cost and effort employed is quite large. There are others like Russia that also has remote places and Australia in it’s outback. Why do we…

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How to Tell If You Have a Gas Leak

If you own a home, you are probably aware of the dangers of gas leaks, but you probably don’t know how to tell if you have a gas leak. Gas leaks can cause dangerous situations and serious problems for your home. For example, if a home’s main gas supply is cut, it’s likely that the homeowner will need to call an engineer to come fix the problem right away. If the gas leak is in an area that is used frequently by the family, it could also pose a danger…

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Things to Consider when Getting a New Puppy

During the course of the pandemic, there has been a huge rise in people deciding, for the first time, to get a puppy. Of course, for many this was the ideal time, as they were able to be home with the puppy constantly. However, for many, having a new pet, especially one that requires as much time and attention as a dog, can be a shock to the system. If you are considering getting a puppy to join your family, here are a few things to think about before you…

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Why Food Safety and Hygiene Are So Important

Food safety and hygiene are crucial if you are working in the food distribution industry in order to prevent potentially life-threatening illnesses and hazards to people’s health. As more and more recalls and outbreaks are being reported, it is vital that food distribution organisations take food safety as seriously as possible. Outsourcing a food safety consultant is not only cost-effective but will also bring a number of benefits to your organisation through their experience and expertise. When looking for Food Safety Consultants, I highly recommend contacting MQM. Read on for…

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