The Fall and Rise of the Labour Party – From the 70s to the 90s

During the 1980s, the Labour party suffered many election defeats – the rise of the Conservative party with Margaret Thatcher at the helm saw Labour heavily defeated in the election of 1983. Despite the fact that many people were unhappy with the changes that the Conservatives were making to Britain, there were also many people who remembered the turmoil in the 1970s – economic instability, power cuts and the rubbish building up in the streets that occurred under the Labour government meant that there were many who were not keen…

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What you Need to Know Before you Buy a Horse Box

If you have a horse, the chances are that you are going to need to move it around. Whether you need to get it to a vet or are travelling around to compete in shows and competitions, having your own horse box is something that you will quickly realise will make life much easier for you. Before you go and get a horse box, it is a good idea to learn how to drive when you are towing a trailer, as it is unlike normal driving and can take a…

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Building the Forth Bridge – The Steel Revolution

If you look around outside in any town or city, the chances are you are likely to see plenty of things that are made of steel. Since the Industrial Revolution, many of the things that we have around us have been reliant on steel. As well as the actual material itself, in order to make it useful for these engineering and building projects, we also need to be able to bend, cut or form it into the correct shape for the use. Machinery like these Euromac bending machines is…

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Interesting Things You Can Make With Copper

Throughout history, people have used copper to make many different things. Today, there are still a lot of uses for copper. One of the most common uses is for lighting. You can also use copper to craft lightning rods. These rods are placed horizontally, vertically or diagonally on a structure and are aimed at absorbing lightning. During a lightning strike, the lightning is drawn to the rod and sends a redstone signal through it. Image credit Copper has a rich red-gold hue. It can also appear in a variety of…

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Natural Sights to Look Forward to in the Winter

As winter approaches, nature starts to change and there are many new things to see and discover in the natural world. Wrapping up cosy and warm in clothing like these practical fisherman sweaters for men as well as comfortable shoes and of course warm socks, gloves and hats, you can get out into the wintery wilderness and get to know more about what is going on in the natural world at the moment… Stargazing – The winter is by far the best time of the year to stargaze, as…

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Why a Laboratory Spill Can Be So Hazardous

When you are working in a laboratory, you have to be aware of how hazardous the materials are that you might be working with. In most cases, you will be required to wear PPE, including a lab coat, gloves, and face protection. You might also be required to wear rubber boots and respiratory protection. Image credit The hazardous materials can range from volatile vapours to flammable liquids. They can also be air or water reactive. They can cause severe health problems if inhaled or dropped onto the skin, for example.…

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The Crime baron who was King

There are few criminals in the world who can say they are as rich as Pablo Escobar was. In fact, none have come even close to the personal fortune of $30 billion dollars that he accrued. Escobar dealt with organised criminal activities from money laundering to extortion. However, he mainly provided cocaine. This was the source of his wealth. If he’d tried to deposit his funds in a regular bank today, he would soon fall foul of AML ID VERIFICATION such as those from W2 Global. However, Escobar was operating…

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Why it is Important to Increase Mental Health Awareness at Work

Mental illness is on the rise, and the NHS is struggling to cope with the demand that is being put on the mental health services that it provides. With so many people in need of help to cope with mental illness, it is clear that there needs to be changes made to help people to care for their mental wellbeing, as well as more open-ness and conversation about mental health topics. Image Credit Mental illness is something that is being spoken about more and more, although many people still see…

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How does a roof get damaged?

There aren’t many things as destructive to the interior of a property than the damage from water, such as leaks, marks, damp and damage to the décor. This is why it always pays to keep a regular eye on the health of your roof, so you can nip problems in the bud before small leaks turn into big damage. image credit The main causes of roof damage include: Extreme Weather – Any extreme changes in the weather can lead to blistering, buckling or cracking of roofing materials. High temperatures, sub…

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