How to Make Sure your Home Stays Warm

Keeping a warm home is one of the most important things when it comes to our health. Young children and infants, elderly people and people who have additional health needs or are undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy are those that are most at risk from having a home that is too cold. Here are some of the ways that you can ensure your home is warm enough to keep you and your loved ones safe…

Home Furnishings – When it comes to keeping a room warm, never underestimate what soft furnishings can do. Rugs are an ideal way to keep some heat in an uncarpeted room. Also, closing the curtains helps to trap heat in. Even strategically placed shelving can help to preserve heat – a shelf above the radiator in a room can stop the hot air rising upwards too quickly, instead allowing it to circulate around a room where it is needed.

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Windows and Doors – If your doors and windows are inadequate, you won’t have much luck keeping the heat in. Good windows that don’t allow a draught in such as these from Worcester double glazing company will go a long way to keep in the heat. Make sure that you keep doors to rooms closed to preserve the heat and get a draught excluder for any external doors.

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Quick Fixes – To get that sudden much needed rush of heat there are a few useful tips you can use. A hot water bottle or an electric blanket can keep you warm in bed. When you have cooked something, keep the oven door open for ten minutes or so to let the heat out into the surrounding room, and when you have had a shower open the shower  door to let the steam out – all of these ways are great to get heated up quickly.

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