10 Ways to Take Care of Your Health

Eating a balanced diet, resting, exercising, maintaining a positive attitude and avoiding vices are some of the tips to take care of yourself.

Health has nothing to do with being free of disease. Being healthy means maintaining a state of physical and emotional well-being that results in more happiness, longer life, and less possibility of developing serious disorders.

Eating a balanced diet, resting, exercising, maintaining a positive attitude and avoiding vices are some of the tips to take care of and lead a healthier lifestyle. By following these 10 steps you live a sound life. Take note:

10 ways to keep sound your health

1. Hydrate

Drinking at least 10 glasses of water a day will keep your body hydrated and help you perform vital functions such as digestion, nutrient transport, and the expulsion of debris.

2. 3,2,1 Move

Performing physical activity 3 times a week avoids the risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes; Helps lower cholesterol and make you feel full of vitality.

3. Eat green

The advice of the World Health Organization indicates that it is advisable to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. They give you vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, and reduce the possibility of cancer, high blood pressure and intestinal diseases.

4. Balance your meals

Carrying a balanced diet that includes foods of all kinds is the best way to guarantee your body the fuel and nutrients to stay healthy and run the activities of the day to day.

5. Rest

When you sleep, there is the regeneration of the cells and the restoration of the functions of the organism. Sleeping 8 hours a day is associated with better growth and memory and a lower risk of hypertension and early aging.

6. A smile has been said

Laughing improves breathing and strengthens the heart. In addition, during this process they release endorphins that help your body deal with diseases.

7. No to stress

Stress can have serious consequences for your health, especially if it is maintained in the long term. Stress weakens the immune system and makes it less effective in fighting off bacteria

8. No vices

Smoking and drinking alcohol shorten your life span and have detrimental effects on the health of your liver, heart, stomach, skin, and lungs.

9. Think positive

Positive attitude is related to a longer life span. Removing bad thoughts will make you feel better, while you will suffer less from illness.

10. Enjoy sex

It has been shown that during sex, 350 calories are burned and about 500 muscles are put into action. Having safe sex improves your mood, oxygenates your body and makes you immune to illness.

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