Why choose a park home for retirement living

When it comes to planning your retirement one of your considerations may be where you are going to live. With families homes often becoming too large for retired couples and their children potentially moving to different parts of the country, it is inevitable that for some a move to a new property is on the cards.

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There are mnay different options that you can take and here we take a look at why you might want to consider Residential Park Homes like the ones available from http://www.parkhomelife.com/our-parks/orchard-park-homes-gloucester-gloucstershire/

  • Single Storey – all the park homes available are single storey properties which give all you the benefits of a traditional bungalow. This means that if mobility becomes an issue in the future you will still be able to move around your home with the freedom that most of us desire.

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  • Can create your own design – if you are looking for a home that you can design yourself then buying a park home could be an option for you. Once a plot becomes available you can then have your say in the design of the interiors and the fixtures and fittings that are included.
  • Community -park home locations have a ready made community of people of a similar age and many have a residents association and groups that you can join and a residents lounge to meet up with your neighbours for a cuppa and a slice of cake.

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