How to choose the right shade of wood flooring

If you already have wood flooring, make sure that any new floor you get does not clash with it. Sudden transitions from dark to light can look disconnected, so you might want to consider grey. Undoubtedly the most fashionable wood flooring colour of the past few years, grey has a multitude of tones and shades that can complement most decors. In its lighter shades, it gives a cool, relaxed feel. If you take it darker, it is warm and solid, ideal for cosy living rooms. Grey can also contain other colours such as pink, violet or blue, and a piece of furniture in any of these colours will bring out the tones in the flooring.

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Changing trends in wood floor colours

Ideal Home is reporting a change in trends when it comes to real wood flooring. Until recently, everyone wanted pale woods with narrow planks or strips. The trend now is for darker wood and reclaimed flooring, which is often darker anyway. Imperfections and scarring in the wood are not seen as important. In fact, people now think they add to the character of the wood and make it look less like it was made in a factory. People want their wood to look reclaimed.

Dark floor colours are not really suitable for small rooms with dark walls or a lot of dark furniture. They work well in light halls or large open-plan spaces that get plenty of natural light from windows.

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Unstained and natural woods look good in classic, understated interiors. However, beware of what Norwegians call “pine hell” – an overuse of pale-toned woods and furniture. Similarly, try to avoid making the walls and floor the same shade as it gives a prison cell effect.

Be realistic about light levels

Many photographs in interior design shots online are lit with artificial lamps and then massively exposed to give the impression of searing light. The light in your home is unlikely to be that bright in August, let alone February. Go to a big wood flooring warehouse site like, where you’ll see more realistic pictures of what the floors are actually like.

Another good strategy is to ask for samples so that you can see the colour in the actual light of the room you want to floor.

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