A very brief history of bookkeeping

In the past the noble art of bookkeeping was considered to be a very important skill indeed.  Which could be said of the work done by bookkeepers today. Bookkeepers Brentwood or anywhere else for that matter,  fulfil an essential role in the operation of any business and Industry.  They are also vitally important to the smooth running of local and national government.

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We can see that our ancient ancestors were also very keen on maintaining accurate books for businesses and the government.  The first civilization to do this were the Mesopotamians.  Tablets found in the ruins of ancient Babylon illustrate that there were fully documented accounts using pictograms and symbols to illustrate the movement of goods.  This was to have a huge influence on Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greeks who took these systems and developed them for their own large Empires.  When the last great European Empire  of antiquity was created by the Romans there was an extremely heavy focus on ensuring that the coffers of the Empire were ready for any eventuality.

As with many things these practices began to fade once the Roman empire crumbled.  The solidity it brought was carried on in some part by the monastic community.  However, it wasn’t until the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution that we began to see what we would recognize as the Beginnings of a modern bookkeeping practice.

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The 20th century and the development of facility printing and finally computer systems like Excel and sage created a quantum leap in terms of how bookkeeping is documented.

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