All about Oak trees

One of the most beautiful trees in the UK is the Oak. It’s seen as one of the most hardiest trees the UK has and many of them are so well loved they even have preservation orders on them to make sure they continue to survive into and even greater age than they already are. Oak trees are thick and strong. They have been used in construction of our homes or even been homes to live in  and they have been the backbone of our maritime history as they made up the mighty ships of the Royal navy. Oak Roof Trusses like those from are one of the best that you can get. Once you have some Oak trusses in place you can have a rustic feel to your home. You will also know that your home is incredibly strong and well supported.

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The Oak tree is not just native to the British Isles. It grows around the whole of the Northern hemisphere. They are deciduous trees which mean that they shed their leaves in the autumn and lose them throughout the winter. This might well give them a rather sad look throughout January and February but they will soon begin to burst into life again in the Springtime. They produce thick dark green leaves. These also have a distinctive shape that is very easy to recognise. They also produce the celebrated acorn. The leaf and acorn are so famous they are used by the National Trust as their emblem.

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The most celebrated use of the Oak tree was to build up the Royal Navy. This was to be the most decisive move on our part. The thick oak wood, once it was treated and painted, proved to be almost impossible to break through. There are written reports of incidents where, despite being fired at a point blank range, the cannon balls simply bounced off the wood. This should not have been the case. At that close range the ships should have had massive holes smashed through them.

Our ancestors were more than aware of the strength of the Oak trees. They sought them out and tried to use them whenever they could in their buildings. This would take a lot of work for our ancestors to try and cut them down. It was even harder to use them as planks. Nevertheless they tried to use them as best they could.

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