How to write effective web copy; tips from the pros

Whether you’re writing a blog or creating product descriptions, effective copy is the cornerstone of any website. Here are some top tips to ensure your written word is spot-on.

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Write for your audience

According to Entrepreneur, 20% of customers are thought to generate 80% of a company’s income, so writing for your audience is key to creating great copy. Before you put pen to paper, however, you need to know exactly who your audience is, and then tailor your tone accordingly.

Prioritise content

When writing copy, put the most important points first. This gives readers the vital aspects they need to know, to continue reading. Further information can then follow.

Keep it simple and precise

Although your content should be descriptive, keep it as simple and precise as possible. Provide the necessary details that users will want to know, but not anything else, otherwise they’ll stop reading.

Make content scannable and easy to digest, using aspects such as bullet points, numbered lists or subheadings to break different aspects up. If you want to ensure your formatting looks professional, contact experts such as Cardiff web designer. A Cardiff web designer, for example, will also check that formatting works effectively on mobile devices.

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Avoid jargon or tech speak

Don’t assume that your audience has the same level of knowledge about your products or industry as you do. Cut out the jargon or tech speak in your content, especially if including this compromises the understanding of your information.

Include a call to action

Your content should have a goal or purpose, whether you want to encourage sales, shares or enquiries. Make sure that your copy includes a clear call to action.

Add personality to your tone

If you write blogs and want to gain a healthy following, you need to do more than just explain ideas or information. Your copy should reveal your personality so that it adds a human touch that engages audiences. Crucially, by injecting your personality into blog articles, you help to stand out from the crowd.

Add links

When creating copy, adding links to other content within your site enhances the user experience, so readers can easily find other information. It also cuts out having to explain ideas or information twice. On a positive note, adding links to your content can boost your SEO.

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