The Plants that will Brighten up your Office

There are plenty of ways to make the workplace a more enjoyable place to be – you can make the furniture more comfortable with chairs such as these reception chairs from Bestbuy-officechairs, you can have a big office clear out and get rid of all the clutter and you can also add plants to the office.

It is a known fact that plants provide a calming feeling over the environment that they are in, and many offices will have plants to make the place feel more comfortable and pleasant. Plants in the office can add interest to otherwise boring corners, soften harsh lines and make the place more welcoming and inviting to be in.

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There are many plants that are suitable for office life – here are just a few of the best office plants…


Snake Plant – This hardy and interesting plant is also known as mother in laws tongue due to its spiky appearance! It is great in the darker corners as it doesn’t enjoy direct light and can grow quite tall so make s a great feature in the office.

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Gerber Daisy – To add some bright colourful and cheerful vibes to your office, then it has to be a Gerber daisy! They like to be in bright light which will encourage their beautiful blooms but take care of putting them in a window that get a lot of direct sunlight as you can find this will scorch the leaves.

African Violet – This beautiful little plant is perfect for desks as it is quite small, but its pretty flowers add a really jolly splash of colour to the office. Care is not too difficult, providing that you remember to water it and keep it out of direct sunlight.

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