The Pantheon’s impressive concrete

Concrete has been central to society since a time even before the Romans constructed the mighty Pantheon. This amazing building is almost two thousand years old and remains standing today. For those in the cement and concrete industry, they can be proud of that unique heritage.

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The Pantheon was built in the 2nd century AD in Rome and is a large concrete building topped with an awe-inspiring 142ft high dome. It is one of the most amazing buildings left from ancient times and boasts the biggest dome of any.

Made entirely of concrete, without the support of structural steel reinforcement, no modern engineers who dare to attempt such a feat. For your Kent Ready Mix Concrete needs, visit a site like VMC, suppliers of quality Kent Ready Mix Concrete.

Yet for nearly 2,000 years of Pantheon has stood strong, weathering earthquakes, barbarian invasions and constant attacks from Mother Nature.

For years, researchers have suspected that there must be a special ingredient that made the concrete stronger when constructing the Pantheon and other Roman monuments which provided them with their impressive lifespan. Many scientists have wondered if it was the practice of mixing volcanic ash into the concrete mix.

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In a new study, the researchers drilled into the Roman concrete chemistry to find out what makes it so tough. As expected, the main ingredient is a specific mixture of limestone and volcanic ash used in the mortar.

Fast forward to the 21st century. Concrete will no doubt continue to play an important role in building the society in which we live and work. From our residential buildings to public transport and hydroelectric dams, people rely on concrete products everyday.


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