Top things to know about brick slips

Home improvement projects are big business in the UK. Since the crash of 2008, many homeowners have chosen to improve their homes rather than move. From small internal projects to redefine space to huge external remodelling to provide additional space, it seems we’ve gone DIY mad. We’ve gone up into lofts, down into cellars and we’ve spent a fortune.

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In fact, according to Express, we will spend more than £36,000 just on decorating our homes – and that’s before any major remodelling or improvement work.

Alongside this, a greater range of products to help with our remodelling have hit the market, and it is now possible to create almost any look you desire in your home. Brick slips are one such product. Previously used mainly as a way to finish the exterior of your home, they are now also used to create a contemporary, modern look inside. Here’s what you need to know about brick slips.

What is a brick slip?

A brick slip is a way of applying a brick cladding to your walls. They are a slimmer form of a brick, often simply cut from the original. Because of this, brick slips come in the same wide range of colours and finishes that traditional bricks do.

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As their popularity increases, more innovative versions are created, such as those supplied by These are much lighter than their traditional counterparts, placing less stress on walls.

How easy are they to use?

Because they’re much slimmer than full-size bricks, they can make the process of finishing round doors and windows a much simpler task. The wall is pointed in much the same way as it would normally be, and it’s very difficult to tell the difference once the job is completed. While they provide a similar level of protection against the elements as normal bricks, they don’t provide the same supportive properties.

How much do they cost?

Brick slips are often cut from a whole brick, so they can actually cost slightly more, but as new techniques are introduced for manufacturing brick slips, they’re likely to become more cost-effective over time.

Whether you’re looking to update the exterior of you home or to create a stylish finish inside, brick slips might be just the material you’re looking for.


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