5 top health resolutions for 2017

A new year prompts us to re-evaluate our lives, taking a look at what is important and what improvements we can make. Our health is often top of this list, with good reason – if we enjoy good health, we can enjoy life. Many people use the turn of the year to make resolutions aimed at improving their health and therefore their lives.

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Here are five of the top health resolutions:

Lose weight

A perennial favourite, of course, is to lose the extra weight we are carrying. Overweight people have an increased risk of developing numerous diseases and illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

The trick is to forget those fad diets; instead, start eating less – there is no need to starve yourself – and exercising more, even if it is just walking the dog. Cut down on processed food and treats, and try to remove some sugar from your diet.

Ditch the fags

Among the top tips for improving your overall health in the long term, stopping smoking is probably number one. We all know that smoking massively endangers our health. Even if you have been smoking for years, it is still possible to quit.

The NHS can give you lots of reasons to quit and point you in the direction of available help, if you need it.

Stress less

We all get stressed sometimes; however, is a well-known fact that high levels of stress can lead to serious health issues, including heart problems and high blood pressure. It is therefore important to find ways to destress, relax more and worry less.

One way to ease stress is to look after our overall health more; for example, self-testing for sexually-transmitted diseases can help to put your mind at ease about the possibility of STIs. London STI testing kits, such as those available from https://www.checkurself.org.uk, can be easily used at home.

Drink less

Alcohol is another thing many of us need to consume less of. There is no need to give up completely – just sticking to the recommended maximum intake every week, and including one or two alcohol-free days, will work wonders.

Keep in touch

Keeping in touch with family and friends is another of our top resolutions. A cup of coffee and a chat with a loved one is undoubtedly good for us.

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