Things You Might Not Know About Homeowner’s Insurance

Homeowner’s insurance is a popular form of insurance that protects the homeowner from financial responsibility when certain damages happen around the home. The forms of damage and loss covered by these policies are quite varied. It Covers That, Too? Common knowledge on the subject of homeowner’s policies often pertains to its coverage of things like hail, fallen trees, and plumbing leaks. But homeowner’s insurance covers far more than what people are commonly aware of. We review five such often-unknown facets of homeowner’s insurance coverage. Damages and losses from a break-in…

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Texting And Driving Laws

Texting and driving has become a huge problem on roads everywhere. These days, more and more people are using their cell phone in ways they shouldn’t while behind the wheel of their vehicles. Even if they are merely glancing down to read a word or two on the screen, texting and driving results in distraction and accidents. Many other drivers, passengers, and even pedestrians in addition to the driver who is guilty of texting can suffer injury, and in the worst case scenario, death. There are laws in the country…

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