What has changed in the conditions for YouTube some stars are threatening to leave?

In the last hours, some youtubers with a large number of followers found the unpleasant surprise that the platform had deactivated advertising some of their videos, along with a warning notice was because its content was not “appropriate for advertisers.” This movement has done nothing but cause confusion among the community of content producers to YouTube, which sees it as a form of censorship, but there are those who defend that this is only a change in the way those conditions are written and that, in fact, are now clearer than before. So what is the change exactly? Not even clear yet that is…

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How to handle irrational moments of a negotiation

Realistically, when a negotiation is established, it not always acts in a rational way and in the end they can be a source of unnecessary conflict. Sometimes an argument, apparently friendly, can become unpleasant and tense in the blink of an eye. When your partner and you are not seeing the matter with the same eyes, not worth forcing the other person to accept your point of view by threats and coercion sterile.

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